How To Remove Scabs After Hair Transplant

A hair transplant done by a good surgeon and the right Hair Transplant clinic is very important. Precautions and aftercare are also important as many patients are also worried about hair transplant scabs, how to discard them etc. I t is a natural process of a body for the formation of scabs after a surgery.

 After the hair transplant Surgery small scabs start appearing on the scalp due to the tiny incisions made at the time of extraction and then transplanted. These usually start erupting from 3rd day onwards and they are firmly attached to the scalp. Scabs can surely make the scalp look unattractive though tiny in size they are visible to the naked eye.

The incision leads to the lesion that forms scabs which causes a feeling of itching. Scabs usually shed all by themselves within 2 weeks. Remember the scabs protect the newly transplanted grafts. The patient may feel like scratching the area to reduce itchiness but remember not to scratch the area as this will misplace the newly placed grafts. 

Short hairs that are grafted also shed with the scabs and this is natural the hair underneath is active and new hairs will start to grow in 4-6 weeks. The best thing to keep in mind to keep the scalp clear of crusts and not to pull or scratch the scabs as this could cause infection and hamper the survival of hair grafts. The scabs should dry naturally and in case of bleeding contact your surgeon.

Massage the scalp with your fingertips with no pressure and do not use your nails. As the follicles attached on the scalp receive adequate blood supply. Wash the scalp with warm water and shampoo recommended by the surgeon. If these scabs are not removed completely they will block the pores and breathing of the skin on the scalp.  You can soak the scalp in the bathtub with water and baby oil.

Scabs appear on the donor area too these should also be cleaned if not they might cause infection or swelling. Drinking alcohol, smoking, or taking drugs aggravates excessive scabbing so it is recommended by the surgeon not to consume these substances prior to a hair transplant. The surgeon may recommend a saline spray for healing.

Avoid alcoholic beverages for some time after hair transplant as this will hamper the healing process as the blood becomes thin. Avoid vigorous activities for some weeks, try to sleep with the upper body in an elevated manner.

Avoid vitamin, ibuprofen tablets for some days take only medications prescribed by the surgeon. 
